Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Morote Waza

Instructor Certification Course
May 24, 2008
Morote waza

Wendy Mach

The assignment for this month was to identify the morote waza in the Heian Nidan, Sandan, Yondan, Godan, Bassai Dai, Gankaku, and Hyaku Hachi Ho katas, and to determine how these techniques could be used to respond to modern acts of physical violence. I took a broad interpretation of this and looked at any technique that could be used as a two-handed response where both hands were assisting in performing the technique. For clarity the kata movement numbers from the BEST Karate series by Sensei Nakayama are used to identify each technique. In some applications additional kata techniques such as kicks are added when they fit into the flow of the response. For Hyaku Hachi Ho the techniques are listed by name.

Historically a kata was used by a particular family as a mnemonic to help remember the techniques of their personal fighting system. So it makes sense that each technique would be used for a different act of physical violence. One kata would not have five different responses to a right punch. Even though various kata are being examined here, I still tried to list responses to as many different acts of physical violence as possible.

Heian Nidan

Movements #1,2,3 Defense against a double shoulder grab.

#1 Bring both arms up to knock the attacker’s hands off of your shoulders while stepping in between his legs.
#2 Grab his collar with your left hand and pull while punching him with your right fist.
#3Grab his belt with your right hand and pull while striking his throat with your left wrist. This will make him fall backward.

Movement #4 Defense against an attempted right grab.

#4 Strike the attacker’s right arm with your left wrist and punch up under his chin with your right fist.

Movements #4,5,6 Defense against a left punch coming from your right side.

#4 Strike the attacker’s left arm with your right wrist and punch the side of his jaw with your left fist.
#5 Strike down inside his left arm with your left forearm.
#6 Punch his jaw or throat with your right fist.

Movement #11 Defense against a right grab of your left lapel.

#11 Strike down inside the attacker’s right elbow with your left forearm. This will lower his head setting him up for a thrust to his throat using your right spear hand.

Movement #22 Unbalance an attacker.

#22 Grab the attacker’s left wrist with your left hand keeping his arm low. Press your right forearm against his chest. Put your right knee behind his left knee and push against it unbalancing him while pressing your right forearm clockwise making him fall backward.

Heian Sandan

Movements #2,3 Put an attacker into a left arm bar behind his back.

#2 Grab the attacker’s left wrist with your right hand.
#3 Wrap the inside of his left elbow around the inside of your left elbow bending his arm. Grab the back of his shoulder with your left hand and twist his arm behind his back grabbing the back of his shirt with your right hand.

Movements #5,6 Put an attacker into a right arm bar behind his back.

#5 Grab the attacker’s right wrist with your left hand.
#6 Wrap the inside of his right elbow around the inside of your right elbow bending his arm. Grab the back of his shoulder with your right hand and twist his arm behind his back grabbing the back of his shirt with your left hand.

Movements #7,8 Defense against a left mid-level punch.

#7 Strike the attackers left arm with your left wrist moving to the side and punch his ribs with your right fist.
#8 Grab his left wrist with your left hand straightening his arm. Strike his elbow with your right palm locking it.
Add #9 Turn your body counter-clockwise keeping constant pressure on his elbow using it as a fulcrum. This will unbalance him sending him away from you, or break his arm.

Heian Yondan

Movements #1,3 Defense against a right face punch.

#1 Turn away from the punch grabbing the attacker’s wrist with your right hand and strike his elbow with your left palm.
#3 Press his elbow downward with your left palm while holding his wrist with your right hand. This forces him to his knees. Punch him in the back of the head with your right fist.

Movement #2 Defense against an attempted grab and tackle with the attacker’s head on your left side.

#2 Strike both palms down on the back of the attacker’s neck. Place your hands on both sides of his head and twist it clockwise while raising your palms. This turns him away from you and bends him backward. This movement can be continued to throw him away from you.

Movement #4 Defense against a right grab of your right elbow.

#4 Cover the attacker’s hand with your left hand so that he cannot escape. Swing your right forearm up over his and press downward forcing him to bend over.
Add #5,6 Kick the side of his knee with your left heel to make him fall, then hammer fist his neck or face with your left fist.

Movement #11 Defense against a right hand hair grab.

#11 Strike the attacker’s inner thigh with your left knife hand. Grab his right wrist with your left hand to hold it in place and strike his neck with your right knife hand.
Add #12 Kick his inner thigh or groin.

Movement #14 Defense against a double throat grab.

#14 Bring both fists together punching under the attacker’s chin. Strike down against both of his elbows grabbing his arms.
Add #15 Knee his inner thigh or groin.
Add #16 Twist his shoulders clockwise.
Add #17 Then counter-clockwise to throw him.

Movement #18 Defense against a left round punch.

#18 Step inside the punch and strike the attacker’s left arm and shoulder with your fists. Then hammer fist his jaw with your right fist.
Add #19 Knee his inner thigh or groin.
Add #20,21 Continue punching him.

Movements #22,23,24,25 Defense against multiple punches, right punch first.

#22 Strike the attacker’s right arm with your left wrist pressing it outward and immediately punch the same arm with your right fist.
#23 Strike his left punching arm with your right wrist pressing it outward and immediately punch the same arm with your left fist.
#24 Strike his shoulder with your left fist and punch his solar plexus with your right fist.
#25 Slap his ears with your palms then grab his neck pulling him into a knee kick to the groin or head.
Add #26 Turn and twist his neck to throw him.

Heian Godan

Movement #3 Defense against a left grab of your right elbow.

#3 Circle your right forearm around the outside of the attacker’s arm locking his elbow joint and turning him away from you. Punch him in the face with your left fist.

Movements #6,7,8 Twist the attacker around and put him into a strangle hold.

#6 Turn the attacker away from you wrapping your right elbow around his neck under his chin and pressing his hips away with your left hand.
#7 Quickly spin him around to face you cross grabbing his collar and stepping behind his legs with your right foot.
#8 Push him to the ground over your right leg and press your forearms against his neck to strangle him.

Movements #9,10 Defense against a right overhead attack.

#9 Raise your crossed arms to catch the attacker’s raised arm.
#10 Grab his right wrist with your hands and pull his arm back to your right hip twisting his arm so that the elbow is upward.
Add #11 Strike his elbow with your left hand to either force him to the ground or break his elbow.

Movements #17,18,19,20 Close fighting with a throw and strangle.

#17 Move into the attacker hitting his throat with your right back fist, and his ribs with your left fist.
#18 Turn your right hip into him while grabbing his right wrist with your left hand and punching up under his chin with your right fist.
#19 Continue turning to throw him to the ground. Kneel down cross grabbing his collar.
#20 Pull your fists apart to strangle him.

Movement #21 Throw an attacker who is on your right side.

#21 If someone is attempting to punch or grab you, step to his left and block his arm to the side with your left palm while striking his solar plexus or groin with your right palm. Wrap your right arm around his thigh and lift up while pushing away and down against his neck with your left hand. This will push him over onto his back.

Movement #23 Throw an attacker who is on your left side.

#23 If someone is attempting to punch or grab you, step to his right and block his arm to the side with your right palm while striking his solar plexus or groin with your left palm. Wrap your left arm around his thigh and lift up while pushing away and down against his neck with your right hand. This will push him over onto his back.

Bassai Dai

Movement #1 Defense against a double grab of your right wrist.

#1 Grab your right fist under the attacker’s wrist with your left hand. Rotate your wrists to the left and upward. Step forward pushing against his chest making him fall backward.

Movement #18 Grabbing an attacker’s right arm, then kick and throw him.

#18 Grab the attacker’s right wrist with both hands.
Add #19 Pull him in toward you while kicking the front of his knee with your right heel.
Add #20 Turn and throw him down to the ground.

Movements #22,23 Defense against an attempted double grab of your shoulders.

#22 Bring both arms up striking under the attacker’s wrists.
#23 Strike inward with both hammer fists to his ribs.

Movement #25 Defense against a right hand lapel grab.

#25 Strike down on the inside of the attacker’s elbow with your right knife hand. Grab underneath his elbow with your right hand and pull upward while pressing away and down on his neck with your left hand. This will bend him backward.

Movements #29,30,31 Defense against a bear hug from the front. (A woman’s defense)

#29 Strike the attacker’s inner thigh with your right hammer fist.
#30 Grab the package with your fight hand and yank up while striking his other thigh with your left hammer fist.
#31 Grab the package with your left hand and yank it again while striking his left thigh again with your right hammer fist.

Movements #33,35,37 Defense against a hair grab and pull.

#33 Lean into the attacker and simultaneously punch his face with your left fist and his groin with your right fist. Your left forearm should rise up attempting to knock his hand off of your hair.
#35 Kick the side of his knee with your left foot and simultaneously punch his face with your right fist and his groin with your left fist.
#37 Kick the side of his knee with your right foot and simultaneously punch his face with your left fist and his groin with your right fist.


Movements #1,2 Defense when your wrists are tied together.

#1 Attacks to the face can be blocked by both hands circling upward.
#2 Attacks to the body can be blocked by both hands pressing downward.

Movements #6,7 Put an attacker into an armbar over your shoulder.

#6 Grab the attacker’s wrist with both hands rotating his arm so that his elbow is down, and place his arm on top of your shoulder.
#7 Pull down on his wrist to lock his elbow and raise him up on his toes.

Movements #8,9 Pull an attacker down stairs. (You are below the attacker)

#8 Move up the stairs rapidly and grab one or both of the attacker’s ankles.
#9 Turn around clockwise yanking his feet out from under him making him fall down the stairs. Punch him as he goes.

Movement #12 Defense against a right front shirt grab.

Add #10 Grab the attacker’s right fist with your left hand and swing your right arm over his right arm hitting the elbow and locking it.
Add #11 Step into him holding his right arm up with your right hand while striking him in the ribs or inner thigh with your left knife hand.
#12 Step in and push him away.

Movements #13,14 Defense against a double throat grab.

#13 Strike the attacker’s elbows from below with the palms of your hands.
#14 Circle your arms around the outside of his arms so that your elbows are on the top of his arms and press down to break his hold on your throat.

Movement #15 Throw an attacker behind you.

#15 Grab the attacker’s right wrist with your right hand and place it behind your neck while stepping behind his leg with your left foot. Pull your right arm straight while pushing your left arm against his body to make him fall backward.

Movements #16,17,18 Defense against a right grab of your left wrist.

#16 Raise your left wrist grabbing the attacker’s right wrist and raising his arm. Step in and strike his ribs with your right hammer fist.
#17 Reach under and around his right shoulder, turn counter-clockwise and throw him to the ground.
#18 Kneel down bending his right arm over your knee to lock the elbow joint and punch his ribs.

Movements #19,20 Defense against a shoulder grab from either side.

#19 Turn toward the attacker and strike the inside of his grabbing arm.
#20 Immediately wrap your arm behind and over his arm pressing downward on his elbow bringing him to his knees.

Movements #21,22,23,24 Defense against a right grab of your left shoulder from the front.

#21 Grab the attacker’s right wrist with your left hand and circle your right arm over his trapping it against your body.
#22,23 Jerk his body around by twisting counter-clockwise then immediately clockwise keeping downward pressure on his shoulder to bend him over toward the ground.
#24 Strike him in the back of the neck with your right back fist.

Movements #25,26 Defense against a right grab of your left shoulder from the top of the stairs. (You are below the attacker)

#25 Strike the attacker’s right wrist with your right knuckles.
#26 Circle your left arm over his arm and press down.
Add #27 Climb up the stairs holding on to his arm with your left hand.
Add #28 Punch him with your right fist.

Movements #29,30 Defense against a right wrist grab from the bottom of the stairs. (You are above the attacker)

#29 Strike the attacker on the back of his hand with your left knuckles, and grab his wrist.
#30 Pull his arm to the left side of your body.
Add #31 Kick him in the chest, throat, face, or any available target with your right foot.
Add #32 Punch him with your left fist.

Movements #33,34 Defense against a left wrist grab from the bottom of the stairs. (You are above the attacker)

#33 Strike the attacker on the back of his hand with your right knuckles, and grab his wrist.
#34 Pull his arm to the right side of your body.
Add #35 Kick him in the chest, throat, face, or any available target with your left foot.
Add #36 Punch him with your right fist.

Movements #39,40 Break an attacker’s right arm over your shoulder.

#39 Grab the attacker’s right wrist with both of your hands and pull his arm close to your left side.
#40 Spin clockwise under his arm turning it so that the elbow is down. Place his arm over your right shoulder and pull his wrist downward to break his arm.

Hyaku Hachi Ho

Reverse Wedge Block – Defense against a double wrist grab.

Cross your right wrist under your left wrist. Circle your wrists together upward and separate them forcefully breaking the attacker’s hold.

Roundhouse Block (left starting on top) – Defense against a right face punch (moving outside the attack).

Strike the attacker’s right wrist with your left hand. Wrap your right wrist under his right wrist grabbing it. Punch him in the jaw or ribs with your left fist.

Roundhouse Block (right starting on top) – Defense against a right face punch (moving inside the attack).

Strike the attacker’s right wrist with your right hand. Wrap your left wrist under his right wrist grabbing it. Punch him in the jaw with your right fist.

Circling Arms Overhead – Defense against a double lapel grab.

Strike the attacker’s elbows from below with the palms of your hands. Circle your arms around the outside of his arms so that your elbows are on the top of his arms and press down to break his hold.

Right Augmented Knuckle Punch – Defense against a double grab from behind.

(Begin with the Turning Inside-outward Block)
Turn counter-clockwise to face the attacker striking his elbow with your left elbow.
If this breaks his hold, grab his left arm. If this does not break his hold, wrap your left arm around his arms trapping them. Step forward and punch his jaw with your right fist.
(Continue with the Double Down blocks)
Wrap your right forearm around his neck and press downward making him fall backward.

Double Crane-head Blocks (right starting on top) – Defense against a right grab of your left elbow.

Cover the attacker’s hand with your right hand so that he cannot escape. Swing your left forearm up over his and press downward forcing him to bend over.

Double Crane-head Blocks (left starting on top) – Defense against a right grab of your right wrist.

Cover the attacker’s hand with your left hand so that he cannot escape. Circle your right hand clockwise over his right wrist and press downward forcing him to his knees.

Looking at augmented techniques where the opposite fist presses against the elbow, these morote-waza include morote-uke, morote-gedan-barai, and morote-zuki. There are various applications for these simple techniques within the Shotokan kata.

In Heian Nidan morote-uke could be used to unbalance an attacker. In Heian Sandan it could be used to defend against a mid-level punch. In Heian Yondan it could be used to defend against an elbow grab, or against multiple punches. In Heian Godan it could be used in conjunction with other kata techniques to turn an attacker and put him into a strangle hold, or it could be used with other kata techniques to throw an attacker then put him into a strangle hold.

In Bassai Dai morote-gedan-barai could be used to get out of a bear hug from the front. In Hyaku Hachi Ho morote-zuki could be used in conjunction with other kata techniques to defend against a double grab from behind.

The true test of a technique is its versatility. Can it be used in different situations against various modern attacks of physical violence? Here are only a few of the possible applications for these techniques. There are certainly others. Morote-waza can be used to defend against punches, grabs, and holds, and also to unbalance and throw an attacker. Clearly these are very versatile and useful techniques.


Kyusho Secrets by Vince Morris

Shotokan’s Secret: The Hidden Truth Behind Karate’s Fighting Origins by Bruce D. Clayton

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